Polymer - Web Components Exploration
There have been lots of questions and things I didn't know when I first started looking at Polymer since October 2016. It has been 6 weeks ever since. I have answered many of these questions that came up when I was exploring this Polymer website by myself. I really enjoy exploring and answering my own questions. JSON files. Data binding. NMP. Bower. Package Manager. Closures. Frameworks. Material Design. Elements. Custom tags. Projects. Debugging. And so on.
I look. I read. I procrastinate. I nap a lot. I dig. I do things. I break things. I get frustrated easily. I don't give up easily. I feel good once I get things working! My plan of attack is to break problems into smaller problems and solve them one at a time. I can be slow at times but once I get it, I am FAST!
For the last few weeks, I went over JavaScript and I looked into the meta programming - especially function closures and JavaScript objects. I have ordered a few advanced JavaScript books and I will be writing future posts on these topics.
I came across a great simple tutorial on what is a web component. This article said web components is a new HTML technology that makes it easy for you to create web apps. There are short lessons in this website that introduces the following concepts (HTML tags, how to use web components in any web browser, changing the attributes for custom HTML tags on the fly etc) and try them out in interactive live demos. Nice and easy.
This tutorial can be found at » https://component.kitchen/tutorial
Polymer Project
I keep visiting this Polymer Project website. This website can be found at » https://www.polymer-project.org/1.0/ This is an elegant and clean website. I can use web components with confidence. My next plan is to select and use web components in my rather out of date website at www.deafdave.com.au.I have a few ideas to build new custom web components. A small Auslan fingerspelling alphabet translator web component that changes words into fingerspelt icons on the fly. A silly and useless purple web component. A star wars scrolling web component. These three are the ones I wish to build asap.
My ultimate goal is to build a Polymer based app... It is exciting!
Over and out.
Deaf Dave.
PHP CURL Cookie Jar
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PHP Server Side Form Validation
Contour Detection using Python OpenCV
HTML Table Alternate Row Color using PHP
PHP User Authentication by IP Address
Python Pandas CSV to Dataframe
Simple way to send SMTP mail using Node.js
PHP Graphics