Monday, December 4, 2017

A simple todo list app

A Simple ToDo  App with HTML, CSS and Javascript

David Parker December 4th 2017

I built a simple ToDo app first in one HTML file that has CSS styles in <style> </style> and Javascript in <script> </script> blocks respectively. My aim was to learn about DOM and the localStorage object and use them in this simple ToDo app.

We use a button and an onclick event handler to call the addItem() or removeItem()function when the button is clicked. We use DOM (Document Object Model) to manipulate the objects in a DOM tree. Each object in the DOM can represent a HTML element on a web page.

We use Javascript to have access to DOM's APIs. We use the LocalStorage object to persistently store the state of the todo items. Otherwise every time we do a refresh for example pressing the F5 key button, the todo items will be cleared and reset. We don't want that!

DOM methods


getElementById is a method that fetches the HTML element on the webpage by its id attribute.
An example,


innerHTML is a text based DOM property of a HTML element.
An example,
newItem.innerHTML = document.getElementById("box").value;


createElement is a DOM method that creates a new floating and disconnected HTML element. You need to attach the new element to register in the DOM tree.
An example,
var newItem = document.createElement("div");


appendChild is a DOM method that attaches the child element to an existing element on a web page.
An example,


removeChild is a DOM method that removes the child element from the existing element.

So with these getElementById, appendChild, removeChild and createElement methods, they allow me to add or remove a new item to/from the list in the todo app. Every time a new item is added or removed to/from the list, the list is also saved.

The source code for the two functions, addItem and RemoveItem.
// The value from the input field is added to the list below
function addItem() {
   var newItem = document.createElement("div");
   newItem.innerHTML = document.getElementById("box").value;
   newItem.onclick = removeItem;

//The to do item in the list is removed and the ToDoList is saved.
function removeItem(){

Everytime I click on Add item button, the contents of the input field is copied and the <list></list>'s innerHTML contents are refreshed.

If I wish to remove an item from the list, I just click on the existing item and it is then removed by the removeChild method. The this keyword parameter references the child item element within the list element. So basically the item in question is then removed by the onclick event that is attached to this item.

There is a risk of generating a too long to do list. A simple solution is to check for the maximum number of items that can be added to the list. So I chose a arbitrary value of 28 'to do items' that can fit in the light yellow to do list on the web page. More than 28 to do items will not be added.

The to do items are saved in the localStorage object as part of the DOM.

Full source can be found here. I hope you found this short article useful. Deaf Dave.

More information about DOM can be found at


More information about the console.log object


The next step is to use Polymer web components and advanced Javascript techniques to manage the ToDo list better. This will be covered in the next article.

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